
When my first born was colicky for years (not just months), I found myself praying to God, looking for answers of how I could be the best parent for this precious child.  I consider God omniscient and perfect so I just couldn’t relate to how God would parent knowing he has all the answers.  Asking myself, “What Would Jesus Do?” gave me some insight in knowing whatever we do to one another (including our children), we have done to him. (Matthew 25:40) However in my angst for answers, God told me to look to Mary.  Of course!  She parented the most amazing individual ~ the son of God!


Mother Mary was not all knowing and she faced all of the worst trials any mother would ever bear to face.  This was a woman I could use as a role model.  And the more I searched for knowledge about her and inspiration from her, the more in awe I am at her gifts.  When Jesus died, he offered us his mother and I hope to honor her just as he did by praying for the children and all of their influences in efforts to create a world where we may live on earth as it is in heaven.


I have been blessed with many women in my life who have modeled characteristics of Mary that I strive to uphold.  One of those women was my husband’s own mother and thankfully he has taken on many of her attributes as a parent – always seeing the good in our children, seeking joy in every activity and letting go of any worry about how he thinks things should or could be – he just lets it be.  I have been happily married for over 20 years to this amazing man who happens to also be atheist.

“The existence of God will never be scientifically proven” was something my devout father told me when I was a small child.  Since that time I believed that science was the key to bringing people who had no faith at all to God.  Therefore, in my own search for truth, I have always been attracted to those points of science that might provide more “proof” or explanation of God’s existence and how God works in this world.  Through this site and all my offerings, I will be integrating the bits and pieces of science that I know support God with the intention of supporting other’s beliefs in the good works of God.

Together with my husband, we have three beautiful children, a dog and tons of fish.  I have been blessed to work at home running a vacation property rental business in Breckenridge, CO all the while researching and blogging to discover the answer to the question, “What would Mother Mary do?”

I have a bachelors degree in Human Development and Family Studies, a masters degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education, and a Youth Ministry Certificate.


I have served as a Youth Minister,  Social Worker, Mother, School Volunteer, Religious Education Teacher and a Business Owner.  It has been my dream to create a ministry that empowers us all to know the goodness of God and to seek the light within one another.

I ask God to guide me so I may inspire, lead and support others to follow Mary’s example of faith, hope and amazing love for her son, Jesus Christ so we too may partner with God to build his Kingdom and live on Earth as it is in Heaven.

~ Tracey Souverein